CCcam server is a kind of cardsharing protocol, where “sharing” simply means the right to access digital packages by connecting to a CCcam cardsharing server via the Internet. The main function of such server is to transfer the encrypted channel codes over a network to computers connected to that server.

HD+ & SKY DE( Only with ICAM) Included.

SKY DE & HD+ & Dazn (nur mit ICAM) inklusive.

Portugal MEO And Nos channels without any issue or freezing problems.

Spain Movistar included.

Turksat D-smart included

Telesat France included

Canais Portugal MEO e Nos sem qualquer problema ou problema de congelamento.

Polish included without any issue or freezing problems.

Dutch included without any issue or freezing problems.
included without any issue or freezing problems.


Teste de 24 horas
